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Sweat Control With Brella™ SweatControl Patch™

Posted on: September 5, 2024  |   Category:

4 Min Read:
dark-haired woman holds her arms up in a relaxed way over her head

Hyperhidrosis causes excessive sweating, which can detract from a person’s confidence and quality of life. Brella™ SweatControl Patch™ is an FDA-cleared, non-invasive treatment for excessive sweating in the underarms. This blog details what Brella™ SweatControl Patch™ is, how it works, and frequently asked questions.

Don’t Let Sweat Get You Down—Try Brella™ SweatControl Patch™

Excessive sweating is more than frustrating—it can be so embarrassing that you avoid social activities or certain physical activities for fear of revealing your underarms. Until now, the only options for hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) relief were invasive, painful, and expensive.

Brella™ SweatControl Patch™ is the only FDA-cleared sweat control patch clinically proven to reduce sweat production for three to four months, sometimes longer.

What Is Brella™ SweatControl Patch™?

If you want an easy, non-invasive treatment for hyperhidrosis in the underarms, Brella™ SweatControl Patch™ might be for you. This sweat control patch features a sodium sheet and an adhesive backing, which is applied to the underarms. Brella™ SweatControl Patch™ works by activating alkali thermolysis (TAT) to reduce sweat. When the sodium reacts with the water in sweat, it generates thermal energy, which targets sweat glands to reduce sweat production.

This in-office treatment takes no more than 20 minutes and provides sweat reduction for up to four months, sometimes longer for some patients. This non-invasive treatment is easy, painless, and convenient.

Brella™ SweatControl Patch™ Frequently Asked Questions

What happens during my Brella™ SweatControl Patch™ treatment?

Your aesthetic provider will begin by checking to make sure your underarms are clean of product and free of lesions or rashes. One patch is placed on one armpit, and your provider will activate it by massaging it into your skin for up to three minutes. You may feel a sensation of warmth or tingling; that’s just the sodium working on your sweat glands.

Once the treatment is over, your specialist will remove and dispose of the used patch. Your treated armpit will be wiped clean and dry. Then, a new patch will be placed on your other underarm, and the process will be repeated.

After receiving your Brella™ SweatControl Patch™ treatment, you’ll be free to go about your day with no restrictions.

Is Brella™ SweatControl Patch™ safe for all skin types?

Yes. Brella™ SweatControl Patch™ should work on all skin types and tones and is safe and comfortable. Most clinical study patients reported experiencing no adverse effects when they used Brella™ SweatControl Patch™.

Who is a candidate for Brella™ SweatControl Patch™?

Adults of all skin types who are bothered by excessive underarm sweating, even when at rest or at a comfortable temperature, may be candidates for Brella™ SweatControl Patch™.

However, Brella™ SweatControl Patch™ might not be right for younger patients, those with medical or health contraindications, or those with active skin irritants. Check with your provider to make sure Brella™ SweatControl Patch™ is right for you.

How can I prepare for my Brella™ SweatControl Patch™ treatment?

You’ll need to shave or clip your underarm hair about 48 hours before your appointment. Be sure to keep it around that timeframe, as the hair must be short enough that the patch can adhere to the skin. However, shaving right before your appointment might result in skin irritation, so be careful.

You should also wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing so your provider can easily access your underarms. If possible, most providers recommend not wearing deodorant prior to your appointment.

How will I feel after my appointment? When can I wear deodorant again?

It’s completely safe to resume normal activities immediately after your Brella™ SweatControl Patch™ appointment, although be aware if your underarms feel more sensitive or irritated. If that’s the case, wait until they return to normal before resuming your regular daily routine.

You’ll also be able to wear deodorant and shave your underarms after your procedure; there’s no need to wait.

Want to Learn More About Brella™ SweatControl Patch™ in El Paso, TX?

Say goodbye to excessive sweating and hello to dry, comfortable underarms. Call Southwest Plastic Surgery today at (915) 590-7900 or fill out our online contact form to schedule a Brella™ SweatControl Patch™ consultation and regain your confidence.