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How to Minimize Enlarged Pores

Facial Pores by NosePhotos of models and celebrities always show completely flawless skin with no blemishes, marks, or sign of large pores. While these photos are certainly treated with photo editing software, the stars themselves tend to have healthier skin because they are the beneficiaries of treatments and products that maintain optimum skin health. If you have large pores on your skin, our HydraFacial MD® can minimize their appearance and restore smooth, youthful skin.

Common Causes of Large Pores

Skin pores, which look like little holes in the skin, are simply hair follicles that contain oil-producing sebaceous glands. Everyone has pores on their skin, but some people’s pores are larger than others. Large pores have four main causes: genetics, age, gender, and oily skin.

Large pores caused by genetics cannot be changed. If either or both of your parents have large pores, you may have them also. A genetic predisposition for large pores can also show itself later in life and may be exacerbated by aging.

Aging can lead to enlarged pores because aging skin loses elasticity. Accumulated sun damage over time can change the way your skin cells group around the edges of your pores. Eventually, your skin will stretch out, which can cause your pores to appear bigger.

In terms of gender, men tend to have larger pores than women. The properties of the skin vary significantly from males to females, and this is an example of one of the gender differences. Male skin also tends to be thicker and rougher.

Oily skin tends to create larger pores. As oil, dirt, and debris collect on the skin, the skin swells, causing the pores to enlarge. Makeup can contribute to the appearance of enlarged pores because it can act as a magnet for debris or excess oil.

Treatment for Enlarged Pores

There are several ways to treat enlarged pores. First, you should cleanse your skin thoroughly each night with a gentle cleanser. Toners, exfoliators, and masks can also help keep the skin tight. Moisturizers are essential for protecting the skin from outside debris and oil. Finally, there is the HydraFacial MD®: a 30-minute in-office treatment that produces immediately visible results.

The HydraFacial MD® is safe for every skin type and gently improves overall skin tone. Your skin will be deep cleaned, evenly exfoliated, removed of all impurities, and infused with important skin nutrients to boost skin health. The treatment has no discomfort or downtime, and it is one of the most effective non-invasive skin rejuvenation services we offer here at Southwest Plastic Surgery. You can minimize your enlarged pores and achieve more youthful skin with a relaxing and thorough HydraFacial MD® treatment.

At Southwest Plastic Surgery, we offer the HydraFacial MD® and other skin treatments to rejuvenate your appearance and infuse your skin with essential and healthy nutrients. To request your appointment, call (915) 590-7900 or complete our online contact form today.

11 Things That Can Be Fixed With Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty Before and After PhotosNearly 150,000 nose surgeries were performed in the United States in 2016, according to statistics provided by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. As one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures, nose surgery has incredible versatility. Every one of the following issues that people may have with their noses can be fixed by one of our expert plastic surgeons with a one-time surgical procedure here at Southwest Plastic Surgery.

1. Size

A common complaint is that the nose is disproportionate to the facial structure. The nose may be too small or too big, and its awkward size can cause it to stand out. Rhinoplasty can adjust the size of the nose so that it is balanced and blends seamlessly with the surrounding facial features.

2. Angle

The angle of the nose can also be displeasing. If the angle between the nose and forehead is too sharp, the nose may appear short. If this angle is too shallow, the nose may appear long. The angle of the nose in relation to the upper lip also affects the overall appearance of the nose. Your rhinoplasty surgeon will examine your nose from all angles and create a personalized plan to restore natural-looking angles for a more attractive nose.

3. Shape

Some people are dissatisfied with the shape of their nose. For example, your nose may be unusually flat, prominent, or hooked. Nose surgery can refine the shape of your nose so that it has attractive, natural definition.

4. Width

If the nose is too wide, it may need to be built up. Through nose surgery, the bridge can be reinforced so that the nose is narrower in the front and has greater projection from the profile.

5. Nostril Width and Size

Nostrils that are too wide, large, small, or narrow can draw unwanted attention. With nose surgery, the width and size of the nostrils can be adjusted by removing tissue to reduce flaring or adjusting the angle and/or nasal tip.

6. Tip

The tip of the nose is a concern for many rhinoplasty patients. Whether your nasal tip is ill-defined, hooked, bulbous, droopy, or upturned, rhinoplasty can normalize its appearance so that your nose looks more natural, well-defined, and balanced.

7. Indentations or Depressions

Indentations or depressions, especially along the nasal bridge, can be the result of genetic abnormalities or injuries. Rhinoplasty can fill out these indentations to create a smoother and more defined bridge.

Rhinoplasty Before and After Photos8. Bumps or Humps

Bumps on the nasal bridge are often the result of injuries or genetics. Nose surgery can flatten out bumps and humps to produce a smooth, straight, and defined nasal bridge.

9. Profile and Projection

A nose that projects excessively or insufficiently can dramatically affect your profile. With rhinoplasty, the nose can be redefined and either reinforced or minimized so that the nose, forehead, mouth, and chin all appear balanced from the profile view.

10. Injuries

Nasal injuries can be responsible for indentations, bumps, crookedness, and a number of other aesthetic issues. Rhinoplasty can resolve the effects of the injury and straighten the nose so that there is no longer any sign of having endured a traumatic event.

11. Breathing

Some people suffer from a deviated septum and struggle to breathe through the nose. Rhinoplasty can adjust the internal structures of the nose and even straighten the septum so that nasal breathing is easier.
Rhinoplasty can resolve each of these concerns and improve the appearance and function of your nose. To request your personal consultation with one of our plastic surgeons, please call (915) 590-7900 or contact us online today.

Mommy Wars: The Mommy Makeover Edition

Today’s mothers are constantly competing with each other. This competition is so pervasive that it has been given a name “Mommy Wars.” Rather than engaging in the damaging effects of the Mommy Wars, you can choose to focus on yourself and your needs. A Mommy Makeover can help you love and appreciate yourself and your beautiful body as a mom.

The Damaging Effects of Mommy Wars

Mommy Wars infiltrate the lives of every type of mother. Working moms and stay-at-home moms argue over daycare and how they’re raising their children. Mothers of all types shame and condemn each other for their choices about hospital vs. home birth, breastfeeding vs. formula feeding, vaccinating your children, what you feed your children, age-appropriate activities and chores, how much “screen time” is acceptable, the cleanliness of your home, the clothes your child wears, how many children you have, and a plethora of other issues. There is even a whole Mommy Wars section on HuffingtonPost.com filled with articles on the subject.

No matter how hard you try, it’s difficult for any mom to avoid getting trapped in the Mommy Wars and hear a thousand reasons about why her parenting style is “wrong.” A clear departure from the bonds of sisterhood common in past generations, too many modern mothers make “war” on each other. This only leads to depression and feelings of constant inadequacy as women feel they can never measure up to others.

Rejecting the Mommy Wars and Focusing on You

It is time to reject the Mommy Wars and focus on yourself. Do you put forth the effort to be a good mother? Are you doing your best? Do you feel good about yourself? Some of these questions may be more difficult to answer than others. Something that may help is considering how you love yourself. Do you take care of your body, mind, and spirit with much-needed rest, relaxation, a healthy diet, and regular exercise? If you are doing all these things but are still struggling to love your body, you may want to consider a Mommy Makeover.

Two Mommy Makeover Before and After Photos

Mommy Makeover Surgery

Women’s bodies are put through the ringer during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Many have permanent abdominal muscle weakness, excess skin, accumulated fat, and breasts that are deflated and saggy. A Mommy Makeover can restore your body to help you look fitter, leaner, and younger. By producing fuller and perkier breasts, a flatter tummy, and reducing excess fat, the Mommy Makeover can help you feel at peace with yourself and help you love the body you have. Your procedure can be completely customized to meet your unique needs, allowing you to achieve the personal self-improvement you seek. The Mommy Makeover gives you an opportunity to focus on yourself, not what other women are doing, and make the best of yourself and your life situation, whatever it may be.

Mommy Makeover surgery can help you love your body and take on motherhood with greater confidence. To learn more, call (915) 590-7900 or complete our online contact form to request your personal consultation with one of our expert plastic surgeons.

Cellfina™ vs. Liposuction

As Cellfina™ is a fairly new procedure, many plastic surgery candidates do not fully understand how it works. If you’re interested in fat and cellulite reduction, Cellfina™ and liposuction can both be of service to you. Each of these procedures can improve your body contour and appearance in different ways.


Cellfina™ Cellulite Treatment Before and After PhotosCellfina™ is a cutting-edge treatment specifically designed and FDA-approved to eliminate cellulite. Contrary to popular belief, cellulite is not a special kind of fat but is only a condition in which fibrous bands of skin push against the existing fat. This tension causes the dimpled appearance of cellulite. With Cellfina™, a small, needle-sized device severs these fibrous bands in the skin so that it returns to its normal, smooth appearance. While liposuction targets deep fat, Cellfina™ focuses on the skin to eliminate the appearance of cellulite in as little as three days.


Liposuction is a time-tested method of safely eliminating unwanted fat. Unlike Cellfina™, liposuction cannot eliminate the appearance of cellulite and may actually worsen its appearance. However, it can remove unwanted surplus fat from all over the body to improve body contour. Using suction technology, minor incisions, and various technical approaches, liposuction extracts unwanted fat from the body. Results are visible once any swelling subsides, and the fat removal with liposuction is permanent.

If you want to eliminate troublesome fat, consider liposuction. If cellulite is your concern, you may need Cellfina™. Patients who want to get rid of both unwanted fat and cellulite may be able to undergo both liposuction and Cellfina™ treatments. For more information, request your personal consultation by calling (915) 590-7900 or by completing our online contact form today. You can also see our appointment availability here directly on our website.

Breast Augmentation Recovery Guideline

Before your breast augmentation surgery, it is important that you properly prepare for your procedure. Considering that breast augmentation is surgery, treating it like a serious procedure will help you create a safe recovery process. Now that you know how to prepare for your breast augmentation, it’s time to learn more about what to expect during your recovery.

How will I feel after my surgery?

Patients will experience bruising and swelling of the breasts, which is very normal after any breast surgery. The majority of patients say the pain is tolerable and should alleviate within the first few days, but prescribed pain medication can be taken if desired. For two to five days, there will be some stiffness and soreness in the chest region. Patients should monitor how they feel and report to the doctor if they experience headaches, chest pains, dizziness, and/or shortness of breath.

How long will my recovery last?

Recovery time will depend on the patient’s level of healing, the type of breast implants chosen, and the kind of anesthesia used. Ideally, heavy lifting and strenuous work should be avoided for two weeks. Light activity, exercise, and work can be resumed within four to six weeks. Although your resulting larger breasts will be apparent immediately, the breasts need time to drop and for swelling to resolve before the full outcome is revealed. Typically, residual swelling can last up to six months.

How can I ensure the best results possible?

You will be provided with specific instructions for surgical wound care. There are many factors that contribute to a successful breast augmentation surgery. Among the most important things to do post-surgery is wear a proper bra that will assist with healing. Patients should avoid wired or padded bras for at least two months. A special surgical bra will need to be worn day and night for a couple of weeks to protect the breast implants and help them descend into the ideal position.

Are there any side effects/risks associated with breast augmentation?

Breast augmentation is one of the most highly sought-after procedures in plastic surgery. Many medical and health experts have been performing the procedure for more than 40 years. Although breast augmentation poses minimal risks, patients should be aware of the potential complications of the procedure, such as:

How much does breast augmentation cost?

The cost of breast augmentation can vary between $4,500 and $6,500 depending on the kind of breast implants chosen and the type of anesthesia used. The price of surgery will differ based on the surgeon’s experience, the technique employed, and the geographic location of the surgery. At Southwest Plastic Surgery, our doctors are experienced and certified to perform breast augmentation surgery. Patients will be in safe hands. We will stay in close touch with you after surgery by scheduling weekly follow-up appointments during the recovery period.

To learn more about breast augmentation, schedule your consultation with one of our plastic surgeons today! Contact us by calling (915) 590-7900 or by filling out our online contact form.

How to Prepare for Your Breast Augmentation

woman-holding-her-breastsBreast augmentation can help a woman achieve rounder, firmer, and more attractive breasts. It is a simple outpatient procedure that can provide a patient with a more feminine figure and help her feel confident in her body. Before undergoing breast augmentation, it is important that patients know what lies ahead in the preparation process. Patients who achieve the best results and have the most comfortable surgery process and recovery are adequately prepared.

Although the preparation doesn’t involve a lot of physical effort, it does entail a lot of mental anticipation. The majority of patients have decided on plastic surgery to provide them with a physical transformation of their physique and self-esteem.

Your Breast Augmentation Consultation

Once you have decided that you are ready for breast augmentation, you will need a thorough examination by your plastic surgeon. Any detailed procedural information will be discussed during the initial consultation. It is important that patients take plenty of time during their consultation session to ask all of their questions and address any of their concerns with their doctor.

Questions to Ask Your Doctor

What You Need to Do Before Your Surgery

Two Weeks Before Surgery

Since breast augmentation requires the use of general anesthesia, it is important that patients are in good health. Your doctor will review your medical history and ask you to get a blood test. Patients who are smokers should refrain from tobacco use for at least two weeks before surgery and two weeks after surgery. Additionally, any herbal supplements, aspirin, or anti-inflammatory drugs should be avoided for a few weeks before surgery.

The Day Before Surgery

It is important that patients do not drink or eat anything after midnight the day before their surgery. Patients should not apply any creams, lotions, or makeup to their chest or breast area. Designate a friend or family member to be your care person for the day. They should be available to drive you to and from surgery as well as look after you the first night of your recovery.

Breast augmentation is surgery. It is important that patients want the surgery for themselves, are educated about the procedure, and are realistic about their expectations.

To learn more about preparing for breast augmentation surgery, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons can provide you with additional information.

If you are interested in breast augmentation, schedule your consultation with one of our cosmetic surgeons today! Contact us by calling (915) 590-7900 or by filling out our online contact form.

Breast Augmentation Techniques

breast-augmentation-techniquesWhen breast augmentation first came to light, it was an extensive surgery that required several nights in the hospital and a long recovery. Now, as surgical techniques and procedures continue to refine and improve, breast augmentation has become less invasive and is now a quick outpatient procedure. A majority of patients can undergo breast augmentation within one hour and return home the same day. Patients can have a breast augmentation performed without having to spend nights in a hospital bed and, instead, can recover in the comfort of their home!

How Is Breast Augmentation Performed?

Breast surgery is individually designed, and the techniques used can depend on several factors. Typically, it is performed by making incisions on or around the breasts. Through the incisions, the surgeon creates “pockets” in each of the breasts, and saline or silicone gel breast implants are inserted above or below the breast muscle. However, every woman has a unique body frame and goals; therefore, breast augmentation surgery will be performed differently based on the patient.

Types of Breast Implants

types-of-breast-implantsChoosing the right type of breast implants for your surgery is important. With so many options, our cosmetic surgeons can provide a personally tailored breast surgery.

Size of Breast Implants

Patients opting for a breast augmentation procedure can increase the size and fullness of their bustline by choosing from different breast implant sizes. Various “sizers” will be used to help a patient decide on the extent of enhancement she would prefer.

Material of Breast Implants

Types of Incisions

Types of Anesthesia for Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation can be performed under a general anesthetic (fully asleep) or intravenous sedation (partially asleep) depending on the patient. Our cosmetic surgeons can help patients decide on the right type of anesthesia based on their history and preferences.

Procedures Combined With Breast Augmentation

Many patients need more than just a breast augmentation performed to achieve their cosmetic goals. Often, women who would like to increase their breast size but also have sagging may combine their breast augmentation with a breast lift. When performed together, a breast augmentation and lift can correct breasts that are sagging and lack firmness (often as a result of aging and childbirth). These patients can also undergo liposuction and/or a tummy tuck procedure to correct sagging skin and excess fat in the abdomen, which are conditions commonly complained about by post-pregnancy and massive weight-loss patients.

See Your Results Before You Undergo Surgery!

At Southwest Plastic Surgery, our cosmetic surgeons provide the latest breast augmentation techniques and personalize every surgery to the patient. We use state-of-the-art technology, such as the Vectra 3D imaging, to create a snapshot of a patient’s breast augmentation results. Instead of having the doctor make a rough post-surgery sketch, our doctors provide exact images with a digital makeup of what a patient can expect regarding the shape, volume, and roundness of her breasts after surgery.

To learn more about breast augmentation, contact one of our cosmetic surgeons today. Schedule a consultation by calling (915) 590-7900 or by filling out our online contact form.

A Relaxing Surgical Recovery: Post-Surgical Massage

shutterstock_105008504Although not discussed openly in the past, “plastic surgery” are two words that now can easily roll off most of our tongues today. It used to be common for someone to hide it if they had “work done,” but it has become more accepted all across the United States. Being that it has become a societal norm, many people do not look at plastic surgery as a serious medical procedure. However, plastic surgery procedures require proper recovery and care to achieve the best results possible. Before undergoing a procedure, it is important that a patient realizes that plastic surgery can take a toll on the body.

At Southwest Plastic Surgery, we offer post-surgical massages to help patients achieve faster healing times and smoother recoveries. A massage can be used to speed up the healing process by minimizing inflammation and bruising. It is also often referred to as a lymphatic drainage massage.

The Post-Operative Lymphatic Massage

The lymphatic system works by absorbing fluids, macromolecules, microorganisms, toxins, waste products, and foreign substances in the tissues. By removing fluids, the post-surgical massage helps to relieve inflamed tissues and muscles in the operated area. The massage treatment can be performed a week after undergoing a surgical procedure. The best procedures to get a lymphatic massage after are breast augmentation, tummy tuck surgery, and liposuction. However, it can be helpful after any procedure that results in swelling, such as facelift surgery, the Brazilian Butt Lift, or other fat transferring procedures.

Benefits of a Post-Surgical Massage After Surgery

Along with a post-operative lymphatic massage to aid in comfortable healing and recovery after surgery, patients should properly care for their surgical wounds.

Care for Your Incision

With healthy maintenance of your incisions, a post-surgical massage, and following your surgeon’s post-operative instructions, you can expect a shorter recovery time and a relaxing experience as well as smoother, more favorable results.

To learn more about plastic surgery recovery and the post-operative lymphatic massage, contact Southwest Plastic Surgery today! With East and West locations in El Paso, Texas, you can schedule your consultation by calling (915) 590-7900 or by filling out our online contact form.

Spring Into a New Summer Body

shutterstock_117387025Summer is only months away, and it’s almost bathing suit season. That means having fun in the sun at the beach or pool! Many men and women might be dreading the hotter months because they have some insecurities about their bodies or faces. The good thing is they still have time to do something about it. With spring just around the corner, there are a few months left to get last-minute enhancements. There is plenty of time to anticipate for recovery and for scarring, bruising, and swelling to minimize before having to put on the latest summer clothing and fashions.

Get Beach Season Ready!

At Southwest Plastic Surgery, we offer a variety of procedures you can undergo during the springtime to be ready to show off the new summer you. Whether your goal is to gain a flatter abdomen or to minimize the appearance of facial aging, we can help you look toned, refreshed, and ready for summertime fun.



Those who are interested in facial or body enhancements can combine any of the surgical or non-surgical procedures for an all over pre-summer makeover. A consultation with one of our doctors at Southwest Plastic Surgery can help you decide which options would address your cosmetic goals.

To learn more about the procedures we have to offer at Southwest Plastic Surgery, you can contact one of our doctors by calling (915) 590-7900 or by filling out our online contact form.

Choosing to Age Gracefully

anti-agingLike watching a train wreck, we’re drawn to tabloid photos where a few poor stars, from Hollywood’s elite, are plainly drowning in the fountain of youth. Their faces are artificially frozen in time, perfectly smoothed, perfectly plump and perfectly obvious to everyone else. In a modern world where numerous cosmetic interventions are available to turn back the hands of time, will you choose to gracefully give way to age or will you defy nature for a stubbornly youthful appearance?

It’s Called Living
If you’re still breathing, it’s natural that you’ll continue to age. It happens and every decade you’ll notice the physical changes that go along with this natural process. It’s one thing to use modern cosmetic advancements to enhance your appearance, but as with many things in life, more is not always better. At some point, augmentation becomes excessive and artificial. The key is finding just the right balance.

The First To Go
The initial signs of noticeable aging occur as collagen begins to diminish. Your body’s natural elastin breaks down and suddenly your skin is less smooth, the creases that form from smiling, laughing and frowning become more prominent and obvious. It’s thought that this process begins as early as your 20’s and by the time you hit your 40’s, it’s quite noticeable.

Cosmetic Injections
There are many cosmetic options to counter the loss of collagen, for skin that appears naturally supple and youthful. Many are familiar with Botox, which disguises the most obvious result of collagen loss: wrinkles. By using this temporary injectable muscle relaxer, deep wrinkles are smoothed out and noticeably reduced.

Cosmetic fillers, like Juvéderm, Radiesse, Artifil, Restylane and Perlane, can be injected under the skin to recontour and plump hollowed out areas where collagen loss is most obvious. The results are dramatic and often instant, allowing a more long-term cosmetic enhancement.

Restoring Damaged Skin
An important aspect of a tastefully augmented appearance is repairing sun damage and flaws that appear with age. Chemical skin peels can remove older, wrinkled tissue to reveal the younger, newer skin underneath. For milder sun damage, microdermabrasion can gently remove the superficial epidermal layers and any flaws found there. Fine lines and tell-tale age spots can be diminished with the help of laser treatments. Subtly removing the signs of age and damage can help restore your youthful appearance, while still looking natural.

You Can’t Go Back…
But you can choose how to go forward. Aging is inevitable, but if you’d like to do so gracefully, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

If you’re ready to look your best, why don’t you give Southwest Plastic Surgery in El Paso a call today?

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Southwest Plastic Surgery
1387 George Dieter
Dr. Bldg C301
El Paso, TX 79936
Tel: (915) 590 7900
Fax: (915) 590 7902
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The MedSpa Southwest Plastic Surgery West
5925 Silver Springs Dr.
Suite C
El Paso, TX 79912
Tel: (915)590-7907
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